
Fill out a simple online form to get advice and treatment by the end of the next working day.

Register with us as a New Patient

Please ask at reception for a registration form. On completion of the form you will be offered a new patient health check. This is a short appointment with the practice nurse and will consist of questions about any previous illnesses and treatment  you may be on. We will also take some basic health measurements such as height, weight and blood pressure plus a simple urine test.

Acceptance on to the list is as at the discretion of the Doctor. We may also ask you for proof of identity. (Please refer to our registration policy below and why we ask for this).

Your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice.

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to register with your chosen GP. For example, you may live too far away. If this is the case simply choose another GP in your local area.

If you stay outwith our Practice area

If you do not stay within our catchment area other GP practices can be found by accessing the button below.

Download the forms

To register please download and complete both forms below

Please complete both forms above and email as attachments to [email protected]. Please include copies of your ID and proof of address.