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GP Training

We have been approved as a training practice since 1996.

 The GP Trainee is a fully qualified and experienced doctor near the end of their
 training to be a GP. We will usually have at least one trainee working with
 us as they gain experience in general practice.
 Trainee doctors do a variety of jobs in hospital before spending either six or twelve
 months with us. As part of the training they require to video record several
 consultations and sometimes we do joint consultations with them.

 Your permission for this will always be sought in advance.

 Our current trainee GPs are Dr Corrine Potts, Dr Mwansa Jere and Dr Prashant Purushothaman.

Links for useful GP training resources

 GP Training in Scotland video

 Carronbank Clinical guidance page

Why it is so important to examine patients

 Therapeutics BS Medcines podcast

 Prescribing: why lower doses are effective and less dangerous

 SNUG podcast: technology supporting healthcare in Scotland

 Medcram: excellent explanations of everything from Coronavirus to insomnia!

 Critical appraisal for MRCGP help site

 Bradford VTS

 Arora: short video on how to use reflection when writing portfolio entries.

 e-lfh Educator Hub

 Motivational interviewing

 How to pass the CSA exam

 Transactional Analysis 1: ego states & basic transactions

 Positive Psychology – TED Talk on how psychology can make you feel better!

 Essential documents bundle
 This includes guidance material for doing COT and CBD assessments, learning needs
 assessment, learning styles questionnaire, audit, patient safety checklist, WPBA
 competence descriptors, reflection and decision making.